

'체화'를 통한 영어 듣기 기법연구


A Study of English Listening Skills by Physicalization


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims at skills of listening comprehension in English by means of 'physicalization'. Listening comprehension is composed of two processes. One is hearing. The other is listening. Hearing is the process that hearers can notice sounds of the target language. Noticing sounds can be done with sound physicalization. It is a state which sounds can be established and settled by constant exposure to the input in the brain. In other words, continual repetitions can enable the sounds of a language to be physicalized. English has syllables with many consonant clusters and it has stress unlike Korean. In order to physicalize English sound, Koreans should choose an audio tape and listen to it repeatedly until they can hear all ~ts sounds. After that they make dictation of the tapescript three or four times. And they should say out the tapescipt loudly. Through saying out loudly, they can make the image of sounds vivid in the brain. This process can make hearers notice and understand an utterance immediately. Listening is understanding an utterance properly according to the context. In order to have direct listening, we need to have much knowledge about various fields: politics, society, culture, and economy. Many vocabularies are not always necessary for listening skills. They communicate each other with about 3,000 words in daily lives. Listening skills can be developed by constant exposure to English and much knowledge about an utterance.


I. 서 론 
 II. 듣기의 선행연구
 III. 청취와 체화 
  1. 인지능력과 언어습득 
  2. 영어 소리의 특징 
  3. 구체적 듣기 연습 
 IV. 청해와 맥락 
  1. 추상화와 개념화를 통한 이해도와 표현력을 높인다.
  2. 다양한 지식이 청해를 쉽게 한다.
  3. 어휘와 청해 
 V. 결론 


  • 손병룡 Son, Byung-ryong. 경상대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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