

IJIBC 12-1-3

Educational Paradigm Shift from E-Learning to Mobile Learning Toward Ubiquitous Learning



The purpose of this study is to review the possible effect of the learning paradigm shift from traditional method to ubiquitous learning. What are the societal issues that need to be address in order to design a new pedagogical platform trending from e-learning to m-learning and now the u-learning? That without the proper study of how learning environment may affect the learning process of an individual will lead to poor quality of education. This new era of learning environment offer a big opportunity for “anytime, anywhere” learning. Thus, Lifelong learning is at hand of everyone. Maximizing the benefit of new trend will be a great help and addressing the limitations will lead to quality education.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background
 3. Societal Issues
 4. Pedagogical Change
 5. Trends in U-Learning
 6. Conclusion


  • Yvette Gelogo Department of Multimedia Engineering, Hannam University, Korea
  • Hye-jin Kim Continuing Education Center, Wooseok University, Korea


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