

IJIBC 11-2-4

A Study on the Smoothing Method for Efficient Video Stream Transmission on IPTV Network



3D-Video systems allow a user to perceive depth in the viewed scene and to display the scene from arbitrary view-points interactively and on-demand. This paper presents a prototype implementation of a 3D-video streaming system using an IP network. The architecture of our streaming system is layered, where each information layer conveys a single coded video signal or coded scene-description data. We demonstrate the benefits of a layered architecture with two examples: (a) stereoscopic video streaming, (b) monoscopic video streaming with remote multiple-perspective rendering. Our implementation experiments confirm that prototyping 3D-video streaming systems is possible with today's software and hardware. Furthermore, our current operational prototype demon-strates that highly heterogeneous clients can coexist in the system, ranging from auto-stereoscopic 3D displays to resource-constrained mobile devices.


 1. Introduction
  2.1 Stereoscopic video transmission
  2.2 Multi-view streaming systems
  3.1 Addition of depth (disparity) maps
  3.2 View interpolation
  3.3 Layered streaming
  3.4 Interactivity
  A. Comparison of different Buffer Management Schemes
  B. Comparison of different Coding Schemes
 5. Conclusion


  • Won-ill Kim Mediopia Tech Co., Ltd., Korea


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