

IJIBC 11-1-3

Performance Evaluation on Adaptive Modulation V-BLAST MC-CDMA Systems



An uplink structure of convolution coded V-BLAST MC-CDMA system was analysed. The adaptive modulation techniques were applied to the system. The effective of adaptive modulation were set by simulation. The expected bit error rate (BER) were settled first, and then according to the BER simulation results, the conversion thresholds of modulation types of the system were determined. The BER performance of the adaptive modulation V-BLAST MC-CDMA system for a given various number of users was simulated. Simulation results show that adaptive modulation improves the spectrum efficiency of the system without sacrificing the expected BER performance.


 1. Introduction
 2. Adaptive Modulation System Model
 3. Numerical and Simulation Results
 4. Conclusion


  • Ze-Guang Jin Department of computer Engineering, Mokwon University, Korea
  • Heau-Jo Kang Department of computer Engineering, Mokwon University, Korea


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