

IJIBC 10-2-2

Hospital RFID-based Enhanced u-Healthcare System over Wireless Medical Sensor Network



In a health care context, the use RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology can be employed for not only bringing down health care costs but also facilitate automating and streamlining patient identification processes in hospitals and use of mobile devices like PDA, smart phones, for design a health care management systems over wireless sensor network. In this paper, we propose a Hospital RFID-based u-Healthcare Management System architecture that possesses the essential elements of each of the future medical applications are integration with existing medical practices and technology, real-time, long-term, remote monitoring, miniature, wearable sensors to assist patients most especially the elderly and chronic patients.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Proposed Architecture and Methodology of the system
  3.1 System Components
  3.2 System Architecture
  3.3 Benefits of system in healthcare sectors
 4. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Randy S. Tolentino Department of multimedia engineering, Hannam University, Korea
  • Kijeong Lee Department of multimedia engineering, Hannam University, Korea
  • Sungwon Park Department of Nursing, Hannam University, Korea


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