

에즈라 파운드의 시 창작 기법 연구


A study of Ezra Pound's Poetic Techniques


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Ezra Pound was one of the poets who contributed much to the birth and development of modem English poetry. He also was a poet who later had a great influence upon post-modernism poets. Earlier in his career as a poet, he once said that his purpose was "search for sincere self-expression and true self." In order to realize this purpose, he has groped for new poetic techniques constantly and experimented with them in his poetic writing all his life. And it was his groping for new poetic techniques and his achievements that enable him to be praised as "il miglior fabbro" by T. S. Eliot. What made Pound grope for new poetic techniques? Firstly, it was his desire to resuscitate the contemporary art that he thought to be dead. Secondly, it was his avant-garde spirit of experiment. Thirdly, it was his vision of perfection. In the process of groping for poetic techniques, what he found is allusive method, translation and the recreation of personae. These three poetic techniques are the writing devices which enabled Pound to put into practice the basic principle of his poetic writing, "Make It New." They have been used widely in his poetic writing in a variety of ways and for a lot of purposes.


I. 서 론 
 II. 본 론 
  1. 시 창작의 기저 이념 - 새롭게 하기(Make It New)
  2. 시 창작 기법 
 III. 결 론 


  • 박영순 Park, Young-soon. 공주대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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