

『청춘』; 침몰하는 신앙의 배에 대한 이미지 연구 - 콘래드의 서사시적 요소를 중심으로


『Youth』; The Study of Image of Sinking Ship of Faith - About Effects of Conrad's Nineteenth Century Epic


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It has been said that the 『Youth』is a prelude of the 『Heart of Darkness』and 『Lord Jim』. Many critics are hesitated to put works of Conrad to the best literature in the world. But the work of 『Youth』of Conrad has been respected by many critics who have researched his works, because there are many metaphors of contemporary events in the view of faith. The work of 『Youth』has a many effects of epic such as a Christian ones which are compared to a sinking ship in the work of Conrad. The relations of a sinking ship and Christian epic effects are similar to the religious collapse of the early of 19C. The role of Marlow, the narrator of a youth in this work is used to symbolize the collapse of the Christ in nineteenth century. 『Youth』as a miniature epic of the nineteenth century establishes the story as a work possessing greater depth and subtlety than it has generally been granted. 『Youth』was supposed to give the note for 『Heart of Darkness』and 『Lord Jim』, and it does so by setting the cultural, intellectual, and spiritual stage for two works. Indeed, it is precisely the metaphorical events of 『Youth』-the termination of the age of faith, the passing of the naive, unconscious, unquestioning youth of Western culture-that thrust men like Marlow rudely into the world of metaphysical incertitude of other two works and set the scene for that quest for meaning in a god-for-shaken universe that was to characterize the modem waste land.




  • 김희중 Kim, Hee-Joong. 예원대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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