

영미문화교육에 관한 연구 -중등 영어를 중심으로


A Study on Teaching British and American Culture -With Reference to Secondary School English


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



No matter how intercultural perspectives come into a foreign language teaching. all foreign language teachers must possess certain basic understandings about language and culture. An important rationale for dealing with the intercultural perspective is the knowledge of the cultural background of a target language is necessary for mastering the language. From a practical point of view, the foreign language learner who has no understanding of the target culture cannot progress in acquiring the language. It is up to foreign language teachers to make their students learn a target language simultaneously with its culture. This paper is an attempt to improve the cultural teaching of secondary school English in Korea: First. the recent trend of working at cultural teachings at home and abroad was reviewed. Second. the secondary school English teacher's recognitive quotient of British and American cultures and their education was investigated by a questionnaire. The responses were documented. Third. the cultural contents of secondary school English textbooks were examined and itemized. Fourth. finding better approaches to cultural teaching with textbooks and other materials was discussed. Fifth. supplementary cultural textbooks alongside main textbooks were selected from a large body of English language academic materials and a systematic scheme of their practical uses of cultural teaching was devised. Lastly. applicable examples of the above supplementary textbooks were presented for secondary school English teachers.


1. 머리말 
 2. 본 론 
  2.1 문화교육의 전망 
  2.2 중등영어 담당교사의 문화교육에 대한 의식 
  2.3 중등 영어 교과서의 문화 내용 분석 
  2.4 문화 교육의 문제와 학습지도 방향 
  2.5 문화 교육의 교재 활용 방안 및 본보기 
 3. 맺음말 
 <부록 1> 
 <부록 2> 
 <부록 3>


  • 최광현 Choe, Gwang-hyun. 전북대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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