

Computer-Mediated Communication for Learning English -Centering on Communication at SchMOOze University


Sung, Ilho

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to increase the practical understanding of how a properly chosen MOO (Multi-user domain Object Oriented) environment can function as a foreign language learning procedure. The goal of this study is to investigate the claim that a MOO site can be used successfully as an learning tool in foreign language classes. In preparing such a study, the following related fields will bc explored: some problems with EFL environment, necessities for CMC in foreign language learning, CMC for comprehensive input & output, CMC for lowering affective filters, MOO for foreign language learning, and SchMOOze University for foreign language learning. SchMOOze University, one of language education MOOS, is introduced to alleviate many of the problems stemming from the isolation of foreign language students in Korea.


I. Introduction: Some Problems with EFL Environment 
 II. Necessities for CMC in Learning Foreign Language 
 III. CMC for Foreign Language Acquistion 
 IV. MOO for Foreign Language Learning 
 V. SchMOOze University for Foreign Language Learning 
 VI. Conclusion 
 Works Cited 


  • Sung, Ilho Wonkwang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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