The aim of the paper is to investigate the main causative factors of Old English sound change whereby vowels were lengthened before certain consonant groups like nd, -ld, -rd, etc. The vowel lengthening in question can't be explained without reference to a second Old English sound change, whereby vowels were shortened before two or more consonants. The crux of the paper is to discover how the two changes are related and systematize the Quantity changes in Old English period. Vowel lengthening seems to have occurred before consonant combinations than in non no syllabic forms. The conditions under which vowel lengthening occurred in Old English are described as follows: All Vowels were lengthened before -ld, -rd, -mb, -nb. -ng, -rl, -rn, and ra and rs if the latter two were prevocalic. Lengthening failed if a third consonant followed, or if two unstressed syllables followed. Lengthening occurred in dissyllables as well as monosyllables. Of the consonants before which the vowel was lengthened, the first had to be a liquid or nasal in English. Short vowels were lengthened before certain consonant clusters(esp, a liquid or nasal + homorganic stop), or in compensation for the loss of 'g', 'h', and nasals in certain positions, and final short vowels were lengthened in open monosyllables. Long vowels were shortened before double consonants, or before two consonants in words of more than two syllables. Vowel lengthening may be fairly dated as beginning in the latter half of the 9th century and continuing probably no longer than the 10th. Vowel shortening is dated by Luick as a century later. This leaves a gap of at least 90 years between the two changes.
2. 本 論
2.1. 古代英語母音의 長短(Quantitative) 變化
2.2. 古代英語 母音의 短音化(Shortening)
3. 結 論
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