

예이츠 시에 나타난 역사관


A Study of the Historical View in W. B. Yeats' Poetry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



W. B. Yeats' poetic material is so complicated and various that we can't divided chronologically. In his early poetry Yeats' is related searching for an ideal world; in his middle period involves a turning from the ideal world to the real world and his poetry is concerned with a dualism, the conflicts of opposites; in his last and final phrase Yeats is concerned to resolve the conflicts and seeks for a unifying theme and image. Yeats' dualism placed sharply by his poetic turning process. Also his dualism has been rotated by dualistic conflicts in birth, growth, and decline of self and anti-self. And he considered the history of Ireland as the circular movement of the sun and the moon, and regarded a gyre as repeated in birth, growth, and decline in twenty-eight lunar incarnations. In the Second Coming Yeats represented the history is rotating in birth, growth, decline per around 2000 years, for ending christian civilization and coming soon another one as "the falcon cannot hear th falconer, Surely the second coming is at hand". In tile G!,res he described all reserved things loosed action and alive such as "for beauty dies of beauty, worth of worth". In Leda and the Swan he thoughts beginning of new another history as intercourse Leda with the swan: such a history and civilization as "death in life, life in death". Finally in Sailing to Byzantium he realizes all things has the circular process limited physical as well as the history, toward the Byzantium of combination of immortal, spiritual, and artistic world to overcome his physical limit. I insist that Yeats saw the history of Ireland as if all things have structure of circulation of structure of birth, growth, and decline, and tried an art of joy and satisfaction unifying dualistic conflicts between the ideal world and the real world, and between the mortal world and the immortal world.


I. 서 론 
 III. 결 론 


  • 진용우 Yong-woo, Jin. 경상대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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