

A Study on the Measurement of ERP Implementation Performance by BSC Model : Focused on the Causal Relationships among Performance Indicators


Chul-Ho Jung, Young-Soo Chung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The main propose of this research is to examine the performances in ERP introduced enterprises by utilizing BSC model proposed by Kaplan and Norton [1992], to realize this goals, a theoretical review on ERP, BSC, and other related issues is performed in advance, accordingly, research model was generated. In conceptual model analysis, we focused on casual relationships among four performance measurement indicators after introduction of ERP proposed by Kaplan and Norton [2000]. To test the model, structural equation modeling is employed to analyze data collected from 164 enterprises which have introduced ERP for more than 1 year. Survey respondents were confined within the representatives of each enterprise’s ERP. Hypotheses proposed in our research are tested by covariance structure model, results are listed as follow : First, learning and growth performance is significant factors for improving both internal process performance and customer performance; second, process performance has a positive impact on customer performance third, despite that customer performance is positively related to financial performance, no direct relationship is found between internal process performance and financial performance, an indirect relationship is built through intermediate medium of customer performance. Based upon these results, we discuss implications at the latter part of paper. Meanwhile, we also provide research limitations, and future research in the final section.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Background
  2.1 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  2.2 Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
  2.3 Literature Review
 3. Research Design
  3.1 Establishment of Research Model
  3.2 Research Hypotheses
  3.3 Definition of Research Variables
 4. Hypotheses Testing and Data Analysis
  4.1 General Information of Samples
  4.2 Analysis of Research Model
  4.3 Structure Model Analysis
  4.4 Discussions on Hypotheses Testing Results
 5. Conclusion
  5.1 Summary and Implications
  5.2 Limitations and Future Research


  • Chul-Ho Jung Mokwon University
  • Young-Soo Chung Chungnam National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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