


안전한 캠핑장 운영을 위한 정책적 개선방안에 관한 연구


A study on the Improvement of Policy Direction for Safe Camping Ground Activities

박소순, 오금호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, national leisure activities have increased in proportional to having time and money to spare for living on. Especially, camping activities are positioned as a new leisure type for middle class families, so that it is expected that camping facilities are also rapidly increased. However, there is no institutional measures for safe camping activity. It is urgently requested that camping activities including designing and operating campsite are regulated within the legal system. In this study, the status of camping activities and its legal system are investigated. The strategic policy directions for safe camping activity are suggested in the view of legal system, operational guidelines, and institutional supports; (1) the legal basis for camping activities should be prepared. (2) the supervision of campsite management should be improved based on informational services. (3) the self- operation guidelines for campsite owners should be developed and provided. (4) the criteria of safety assessment for design and operating campsite should be prepared. (5) the safety information of campsite should be published and shared among camping communities.


 1. 서론
 2. 국내ㆍ외 캠핑장 사고 사례 소개
  2.1 국내 통계의 부재
  2.2 자연재난 사례
  2.3 안전사고 사례
 3. 국내·외 캠핑 안전관리 실태
  3.1 운영 실태
  3.2 국내 캠핑장 안전 관계법 현황
  3.3 국외 캠핑장 안전 관계법 현황
 4. 우리나라 캠핑장 안전관리의 문제점
  4.1 캠핑장 안전관리 근거 부재
  4.2 산재한 각종 안전사고 위험
  4.3 기상특보 시 대피 지연과 인명피해 초래
 5. 캠핑장 안전관리 체계 개선 방향
  5.1 캠핑장 안전관리 근거법 마련
  5.2 형식적인 인ㆍ허가 절차와 관리 체계 개선
  5.3 사설 캠핑장 안전강화를 위한 제도적 지원
  5.4 재난ㆍ사고 대책 수립을 위한 캠핑장 위험요인 도출과 위험성 평가 강화
  5.5 안전평가 결과의 공개와 자율적 안전관리 체계의 정착
  5.6 캠핑장 안전인증 제도의 시행
 6. 결론
 7. References


  • 박소순 So-Soon Park. 국립재난안전연구원 안전연구실
  • 오금호 Keum-Ho Oh. 국립재난안전연구원 안전연구실


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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