


작업관련성 손상·질병 발생과 손실비용에 따른 예방정책 우선순위 연구


An Analysis of Policy Priority for Work-Related Injury & illness and Investment Losses of Workplace Safety

박경돈, 이관형

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As workplace incidents has been being declining in Korea, there is criticism of the effectiveness of occupational safety policy implementation. It is unknown that which policy target group needs to be targeted to yield effective injuries prevention. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and reveal the policy intervention group with a high priority in terms of industrial incident prevention and the related investment cost. A Policy Priority Model(PPM) is composed of 6 indicators regarding influences of both the incident reduction and the cost reduction. Z-score analyses are used to confirm the high policy priority area or policy target group. Overall, workplace with worker below 50 persons, construction site with the sales of more than a hundred million won, workplace with relatively small percentage of female employees and relatively higher percentage of older worker should be prioritized to reduce workplace injuries. This paper provides an analytic way that can be used to decide the policy priority workplace in order not only to reduce work-related injuries&illnesses and the related investment cost but to further lessen the related societal costs.


 1. 서론 및 문제제기
 2. 연구모형과 방법론
  2.1 연구범위 및 연구대상
  2.2 정책우선순위모형의 의의
  2.3 모형작성
  2.4. 분석지표
  2.5. 분석방법론
 3. 정책우선순위 분석결과: 3대 업종 종합
 4. 업종별 정책우선순위 분석결과
  4.1. 제조업
  4.2. 서비스업
  4.3. 건설업
 5. 결론 및 시사점
 6. References


  • 박경돈 Kyoung-Don Park. 한국교통대학교
  • 이관형 Yi, Kwan Hyung. 산업안전보건연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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