

노년 작가가 인식한 노년의 문제 : 윤대성의 노년 3부작 「한번만 더 사랑할 수 있다면」, 「아름다운 꿈 깨어나서」, 「동행」을 중심으로


Problems of Old Age by an Old Writer : Dae-Sung Yoon’s Old Age Trilogy If I can Love One More Time, Awake from Beautiful Dream and Traveling Together


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the history of Korean theater, Dae-Sung Yoon is a writer who has pursued various topics and themes according to the era from an individual to social issues. Now in his 70’s, Yoon staged his latest three plays on stage that were based on the aging society, If I can Love One More Time(2010), Awake from Beautiful Dream(2010), and Traveling Together(2012). Korean society is quickly becoming an ‘old’ society, Yoon who himself is old writes from his personal experience of observing old age’s issues and not from a third person’s point of view. The ‘old age trilogy’ represents the problems of ‘old age’, such being death, love, alienation, loneliness, diseases and etc. The trilogy is also meaningful in that they are based on the writer’s own experiences. Unlike the ideal old characters that we are accustomed with, Yoon’s characters represent ‘desire’ and ‘challenges’, such as love, sex and alineation. However the trilogy falls short in that the most serious problem is somehow excluded, which is that of money. But even with this shortfall, in terms of expanding the boundaries of topics, themes the trilogy is a welcome distraction.


1. 들어가며
 2. 노년의 문제에 대한 인식
  2.1 은퇴, 역할 상실 그리고 죽음
  2.2. 노년의 질병
  2.3. 노년의 고독
  2.4. 노년의 사랑과 성
 3. 창조적 노년에 대한 제안
 4. 나오며


  • 전성희 Sung-Hee Jeon. 명지전문대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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