A Study on the Value and Applied Possibility of Mystery in Children’ s Literature
Applying the method of mystery in the creation process of childrenliterature has received much spotlight recently. The focus is on the factthat it contributes to procuring diversity in children literature. mysteryshares high affinity and possibility of application with children literatureas it originates from riddles in old tales. The value of mystery in children literature can be organized into thefollowing three categories. First, Proactive problem-solving skills. This isa different concept from didactic literature that has been emphasized byexisting children literature. More specifically, it can be summed up asautonomous problem solving attitude, focus on mystery and scientificknowledge, and resolution through communication and cooperation. Examples of literary pieces that reflect such values are Ghost HuntingDetective Bang-goo and Monster Catching Detective Bang-goo. Second, the emphasis of the play. mystery is recognized as a form of agame to children. This effect is amplified by being connected to the secretthat is put forth in the story. Children become interested in the process ofsolving the secret and form a bond while sharing the secret. Moreover games are related to activities that provide identity reaffirmation andbasis for growth. Pluto Secret Organization and Twenty Quiz Detectiveand Magician are examples of pieces that belong to such category. Third, Promotion of fusion. Literature can be easily integrated withdifferent areas. mystery especially has close connections with humanities,social sciences, and logic. Daenggi Hair Detective Kim Yeongseo is anexample of an integrative piece that combines history and mystery. Through history the educational purpose was achieved and throughmystery the recreational purpose was realized. Edutainment Contentshas attempted to diversify the value of integration and the‘ No Binson’series is a primary example. Although its artistic achievement is unclear,it is meaningful in that one can affirm the potential of integration ofscience, history, and art. The application possibility of the values mentioned is the following. Mostimportantly, it can be applied in children literature. Furthermore, it can beproduced into cartoon and animation. Lastly, it can highlight the value ofrecreation and be applied into a play, musical, performance, or theme park.
2. 추리의 개념과 장르적 특성
3. 어린이문학에서 추리의 가치
1) 능동적 문제 해결 능력 :『 귀신 잡는 방구 탐정』과『괴물 쫓는 방구 탐정』
2) 놀이성의 강조 :『 플루토 비밀결사대』와『스무고개 탐정과 마술사』
3) 융합의 촉진 :『 댕기머리 탐정 김영서』와 ‘노빈손’시리즈
4. 결론 : 추리의 활용가능성
- 추리
- 어린이문학
- 스토리텔링
- 이야기가치
- 능동적 문제 해결 능력
- 놀이
- 융합
- 귀신 잡는 방구탐정
- 괴물 쫓는 방구 탐정
- 플루토 비밀결사대
- 스무고개탐정과 마술사
- 댕기머리 탐정 김영서
- 노빈손 시리즈
- mystery
- children’s literature
- storytelling
- story value
- proactive problem-solving skills
- play
- fusion
- Ghost Hunting Detective Bang-goo
- Monster Catching Detective Bang-goo
- Pluto Secret Organization
- Twenty Quiz Detective and Magician
- Daenggi Hair Detective Kim Yeongseo
- No Binson Series