

기획 2-2

홉스봄의 재구성 - 좌파 명망가의 무늬와 속살


Reconstituting Hobsbawm : a Famous Leftist’s Clothes and Skin


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Eric J. Hobsbawm, a world-famous leftist historian, did not give up his own Marxist faith until the end of his life. But, he saw the peasant insurgency as a pre-political and backward movement lacking of programme, organization and political aim. For him, the peasant had always to be enlightened outside by the politically modern subjects whom the capitalist modernity gave birth to. Moreover, he praise Industrial Revolution because it made “the take off into self-sustained growth” of humanity possible and he named the period from the end of the Second World War to 1970s “the Golden Age” in that the unexpected and stable growth of capitalist economy was achieved. He blamed ‘68 May’ and ‘new left’ for ignoring the political revolution like Russian Revolution and proliferating selfish individualism. He also criticized Althusser’s Marxism as a kind of structural functionalism in which Marxist theory was lost its practical potential. Hobsbawm’s interpretations of those events and figures, in a sense, were connected with his historicist view of progress in history. He argued that the historical progress evolving on a singular and linear time referred to the growth of human control over nature and of rational exploitation by means of the technology and science, which was a cause and result of the development of productive power. For him, modern capitalist society, though he thought we should go to socialist society by way of it, showed the highest stage of productive power and therefore the advanced capacity of human reason. This means that his Marxism was on a logic of capitalist modernity and, therefore, he was a stubborn modernist and an enlightening elitist, before being a Marxist.


1. 머리말: 유별나거나 (불)분명하거나
 2. 전(前)정치적인 것과 정치적인 것
 3. ‘황금시대’와 역사의 진보
 4. ‘68년 5월’, ‘신좌파’, 알튀세르: 신자유주의의 ‘기원’
  1) 전통과 가족을 버린 ‘68년 5월’
  2) 전(前)구좌파(?)로서의 ‘신좌파’
  3) 알튀세르를 따르는 무능한 젊은이들
 5. 맺음말


  • 김택현 Taek Hyeon Kim. 성균관대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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