

기획 1-3

제국 일본의 공업시험연구체제와 1910년대 조선총독부 중앙시험소의 공업화 전략


The Industrial Research System in Imperial Japan and the Industrialization Strategies of the Central Research Laboratory for Colonial Korea in the 1910s


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Japanese Government-General of Korea established the Central Research Laboratory in Seoul in order to invigorate traditional industries immediately after the forceful annexation of Korea. Unlike previous studies that only saw the Central Research Laboratory as a simple colonial apparatus, this paper would reveal active negotiations by the colonial technocrats in it within the wider context of Japanese imperialism. It examines research activities and industrial policies of the technocrats in the Central Research Laboratory in the 1910s while considering not only the ruling strategies of the Government-General but also a wide range of industrial policies in imperial Japan. In doing so, this paper explains the two seemingly contradictory strategies of industralization promoted by the technocrats in Korea. One was the industrialization of colonial Korea, aiming at trade balance between Korea and Japan by import-substitution and the other was promoting Korean raw materials for the ‘self-sufficiency’ of the Japanese chemical industry. These seeming contradictions only reflected the dual positions that the technocrats had negotiated for their institution, one as a ‘peripheral’ industrial research station within imperial Japan and the other as the only ‘central’ industrial research institute in colonial Korea. After all, their two policy lines were not just unintended contradictory strategies, but a deliberate attempt by the technocrats. Being marginalized within the Japanese bureaucratic system, these technocrats sought to increase their status and to gain more outside supports with these dual positioning of their research laboratory.


1. 머리말
 2. 일본 공업시험연구체제의 형성과 확장
  1) 근대 일본의 재래공업진흥론과 농상무성 공업시험소의 설립
  2) 공업시험연구체제의 정비와 관동도독부 중앙시험소의 설립
  3) 히라가 요시미와 조선총독부 중앙시험소의 설립
 3. 1910년대 중앙시험소 기술관료 집단의 조선 공업화 전략
  1) 제국 일본의 공업시험연구기관으로서 중앙시험소의 위상
  2) ‘조선본위’의 재래공업진흥론
  3) ‘내지본위’의 제국공업진흥론
  4) 중앙시험소와 재조선 일본인 기술관료의 사회적 위상
 4. 맺음말


  • 이태희 Lee, Taehee. 서울대학교 과학사 및 과학철학 협동과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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