

Construct a New ELGamal-type Public Key Cryptography over Finite Field



A new ELGamal-type public key cryptosystem using ergodic matrix is proposed in this paper, which is based on isomorphism over finite field. The security of this scheme is equal to the intractability of polynomial discrete logarithm problem over finite field in the standard mode. At the same time, an optimization is described after the performance is analyzed in details. Since the ciphertext expand rate of new scheme is approximately 1, the proposed scheme can encrypt more information one time. Moreover, compared with the original ELGamal scheme, its security has been not reduced.


 1. Introduction
  1.1 Overview of Ergodic Matrix over Fp
 2. A Theorem About New Scheme
 3. A new Public Key Encryption Scheme over Fp
  3.1. Public key encryption scheme
  3.2 Security
  3.3 Example
 4. Performance Analysis and Optimization
 5. Conclusion


  • Zheng-jun Jing College of Computer, Nanjing university of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Computer Engineering, Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology
  • Guo-ping Jiang College of Computer, Nanjing university of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Chun-sheng Gu School of Computer Engineering, Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology


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