

Canny Edge-Detection Based Vehicle Plate Recognition



Vehicle plate recognition is an effective image processing technique used to identify vehicles' plate numbers. There are several applications for this technique which expand through many fields and interest groups. Vehicle plate recognition may be used as a marketing tool, for purposes of traffic and border control, for law enforcement, and travel. Many methods have been proposed to facilitate this technique. This study proposes an edge-detection method to enable a Plate Recognition System through practical situations, such as various environmental or meteorological conditions. Image processing tools are used to scan the plate area, resize it, and convert it toward a gray scale prior to filtering the image in order to remove small objects. The obtained objects are identified such that the numbers object is recognized. The details of the obtained image are controlled through the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter (sigma).


 1. Introduction
 2. Canny Edge Detection
 3. Plate Number Recognition Algorithm
 4. Simulation
 5. Conclusion


  • Allam Mousa Department of Electrical Engineering An Najah University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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