

조셉 콘라드의「청춘」연구 -내레이터 말로우의 이원론적 시각을 중심으로


A Study of Joseph Conrad's Youth: A Narrator Marlow's Dualistic Vision


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Marlow tells us at the beginning of his narrative that there are those voyages that seem ordered for the illustration of life, that might stand for a symbol of existence. Thus he develops the implications of a single event, the baffled voyage of the Judia to the Bangkok shaping it into an intensely metaphorical statement. The freshness and appeal of this statement is due to Conrad's bold experiments with impressionistic techniques. The use of Marlow as narrator opposes the spontaneous egoism of twenty to the wary wisdom of forty-two in a way that relativizes romantic illusions. The dual perspective also allows Conrad to distance himself from the text, to explore moral issues with flexibility, and involve his readers through a surrogate audience, those four listeners grouped around the mahogany table. Marlow gives the simple tale of catastrophe at sea thoughtfulness it finally posses. His important object is to change certain conventional notions held by his four respectable listeners. He emphasize the glamour and beauty of youth over the old men's tendency on their younger selves with patronizing indulgence. He thinks youth should not be patronized but respected. for it offers an important and unique opportunity. To his mind, it is only time when one can be boldly and wholesomely egotistical and still mange to get away with it. Because life has not yet become tentative and morally compromising, simple heroism is always possible. And because of this singularity. youth, the years of power and illusion is the best time of one's life.




  • 박찬현 Park Chan Hyun. 전주대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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