

엔트로피적 삶의 메카니즘:『브이(V).』


Mechanism of Entropic Life in V


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Pynchon's world, in his work, shows entirely chaos surrounded with deep desperation, helplessness, and nihilistic senses. There is also a tensioned world in V, changing the original meaning of love and life due to the rapid scientific development and willing to happen a bloody war for their business. That has made people gradually difficult to evince humanity and has accelerated inanimate. Herbert Stencil's pursuit of V's identity symbolizes as a searching the trace of history. Pynchon put forward the claim spiritual stir to the problems of lost humanity, lost women's beauty, and yo-yo life style in the closed and decadent spiritual world. Pynchon seemed to regard science and social system with absolute value in the past as the principal of crise de conscience and crise de confidence. This is why his literary background was full of fretting about losing belief in human history and finding false of scientific development and of regretting for being enervated himself in front of them Consequently, Pynchon emphasizes and desires that we should pursuit of recovering a new order of historic, a certain continuity, and optimistic view instead of losing the dignity of man, with a creative paranoiac view.


I. 시작하면서 
 II. 인간물화로의 진행 
 III. 정리하면서 


  • 박정로 Park, Jung-ro. 대신대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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