

Project Management Software: Allocation and Scheduling Aspects



We discuss experiences in building the prototype of the project management software. We particularly investigate the aspect of resource allocation and scheduling. We attempt to integrate the automatic allocation and task scheduling to it. The database containing the information about the project, tasks, resource is designed. The tasks may be concurrent and requires many skills. Many employees can have many skills and may be available at different time. The allocation must be able to compromise this. Two scheduling schemes such as ASAP and ALAP are implemented in the tool. The case demonstration of the task assignment and scheduling are presented.


 1. Introduction
 2. Backgrounds
 3. Methodology
  3.1. Exploring Problem Definition
  3.2. Allocation and Resource Assignment
  3.3. Schedule Creation
 4. Conclusion


  • C. Chantrapornchai Department of Computing Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University
  • D. Sawangkokrouk Department of Computing Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University
  • T. Leadprathom Department of Computing Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University


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