

Research on Hot Issues and Evolutionary Trends in Network Forums



The network forum is an important channel of information dissemination for Chinese Internet users and has become the primary source of opinions concerning “hot issues.” This paper presents a fast and efficient method to mine “hot posts” in network forums and to analyze the evolutionary trends of hot issues. The proposed method uses statistical and mathematical models to sort posts into sections. The proposed method is also used to analyze the evolutionary trends of hot posts, thus determining whether tracking is necessary for a certain post. Experiments were conducted to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model. This study establishes a foundation for the further study of the evolution of hot issues in complex networks.


 1. Introduction
 2. Principle of related methods
  2.1. Data collection
  2.2. Data analysis
  2.3. Methods and results
 3. Development trend analysis
  3.1. Preprocessed data
  3.2. Selection and evaluation of mathematical models
  3.3. Core analysis method
 4. Conclusion


  • Li-Jie Cui School of Software and Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology
  • Hui He Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Wei Liu Harbin Institute of Technology Software Engineering Co. Ltd


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