

Web-Enhanced Project Management Course



The popularity of Skype, bulletin boards, text messaging and Facebook among today’s youth paves the way for adapting learning management systems (LMS) allowing for the same experiences in the academic milieu. It also paved the way to the recognition of using a different blackboard being used to allow for anytime, anywhere learning to enhance and supplement traditional instruction. This is the Blackboard Learning Management System (BLMS). It is a learning platform which allows the web engineering students to access mini lectures, examinations, assignments, and classroom discussions and activities. This paper discuss the design and development of a web-enhanced project management course, a capstone course for graduating engineering students that integrates all the basic knowledge a student has learned in project management. The development and implementation of a web enhanced course in Project Management coupled with the use of classroom multimedia instruction, active and cooperative learning aimed to facilitate the teaching-learning process compared to the traditional whiteboard instruction.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Course Web-Enhancement
  2.2. Project Management Course
 3. Strategies Employed to Manage Project Management Course
  3.1. Active and Cooperative Learning
  3.2. PowerPoint Aided Lecture (PAL)
  3.3. Software Aided Calculations and Design
  3.3. Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA)
 4. Blackboard Learning System
 5. Managing a Project Management Course Using Blackboard
 6. Features of Blackboard Learning System
  6.1. Course Documents and Course Information
  6.2. Assessment and Grade Book
 7. Digital Drop Box
 8. Conclusion


  • Tomas Ucol-Ganiron Jr. Qassim University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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