

A Distinctive Suite of Performance Metrics for Software Design



Software metrics proposed in various theories and literature have considerable variation among them. The sole purpose of all these theories is to improve the quality of software projects by producing and using quantitative measures. All these theories improve the quality of a software project and mend all the issues relating to software refactoring. As the software industry moves to a more mature state, the need for employing more effective tools, techniques and benchmarks for managing software projects has become significantly critical to minimize the negative risk factors as well as ensuring augmented adherence to quality assurance. In this study, we intend to explore how distinctive metrics with respect to different knowledge areas, especially in design engineering, could be useful to manage knowledgeably the software projects. The focus of this research study is to evaluate and highlight the importance of various performance metrics and measures to track the software project performance followed by some already proposed metrics for software design, development and management.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background and Literature Survey
  2.1. The CK-Metric Suite
  2.2. Bad-smell Prediction from Software Design Model
  2.3. A Metric-Based Approach to Enhance Design Quality
  2.4. Maintainability Index Metrics Framework
  2.5. Design Flaws
 3. Software Design Phase
 4. Proposed Design Metrics Omnibus
  4.1. Flexibility
  4.2. Extensibility
  4.3. Modifiability
  4.4. Usability
  4.5. Productivity
  4.6. Stability
  4.7. Volatility
  4.8. Adaptability
  4.9. Testability
  4.10. Maintainability
 5. Effects/Results of Proposed Metrics
 6. Conclusion


  • Shahid Iqbal Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST)
  • Muhammad Khalid Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST)
  • M.N.A. Khan Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST)


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