

Emotional Preferred Type of Smart Phone Based on the Quality Factor



This study analyzed the previous studies that the user perceived quality of design factors. As a result, the most representative factors and functional classification is divided into non-functional factors showed that. In the level of human behavior, needs can be distinguished between functional aspects factor and motivator factor. When we access to the level of user's expectation, fundamental factor, performance level, and interest level were represented as the main three levels. Also, this study analyzed the sensitivity quality factors that are important in choosing smart-phone using PQ method of Q methodology. It was possible to find representative types such as sensibility focusing type, use-convenience focusing type and stability focusing type by the analysis. The discriminative sensibility focusing type thinks personality expression and social pride as important and this type prefers differentiation from others. The sensibility quality causes of sensibility focusing type are uniqueness, fun, curiosity, surprise, fashion, attracting others’ view, ostentation and emotional attachment. The use-convenience focusing type prefers convenience cumulated by personal experience. This type thinks the sensibility quality causes such as comfort, freedom, expandability and control of device as important. The stability focusing type prefers familiarity by use experience, attachment by intimacy and harmony with personal image as important. This type thinks the sensibility quality causes such as experience, habits, intimacy, conciseness and fun as important.


 1. Introduction
 2. Level of Influencing Factor for Evaluation of Design Quality
 3. Q methodology for Sampling the Emotional Quality Factor
 4. Design of Study
  4.1. Selection of Q sample and Q statement
  4.2. Selection of P Samples
  4.3. Q Sorting
 5. Analysis
 6. Interpretation of Analysis
  6.1. Discriminative Sensibility Focusing Type
  6.2. Use-convenience Focusing Type
  6.3. Stability Focusing Type
 7. Discussion and Conclusion


  • Young Ju Lee Chungwoon University, Department of Multimedia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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