

Estimation of Energy Consumption for Mobile Software using UML State Machine Diagram



The application software operated on mobile device like a smart phone is hard to ensure continuously provision of stable services because of limited resource like a battery. Therefore the requirements on the energy consumption of mobile software become one of critical issues in the software development. To cover the problem that the energy consumption requirement of software was not satisfied when code development is completed, we propose an energy consumption analysis technique using software design model, UML state machine diagram. The design model is transferred to Coloured Petri-Net to estimate the energy consumption. Our technique gives a chance to reduce the energy consumption in the process of software development


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Model-based Analysis Process
  3.1. Software System Requirements
  3.2. Software Modelling
  3.3. Generation of CPN Model
  3.4. Analyzing Energy Consumption
 4. Energy Library
  4.1. Constructing Energy Library
  4.2. Using Energy Library
 5. Model Transformation
  5.1. Meta-model of State Machine
  5.2. Transformation Rules for Model Elements
 6. Model-based Energy Analysis
  6.1. Model of Arithmetic Operations
  6.2. Energy Consumption of CPN Model
 7. Experiment and its Results
  7.1. Experimental Environment
  7.2. Energy Consumption Estimation
  7.3. Discussion of Validity Threats
 8. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Jae-Wuk Lee Chungbuk National University, Dept. of Computer Science
  • Doohwan Kim Chungbuk National University, Dept. of Computer Science
  • Jang-Eui Hong Chungbuk National University, Dept. of Computer Science


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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