

일제강점기 목포 도시계획의 내용과 특징 - 시구개정과 시가지계획을 중심으로 -


Contents and Characteristics of the Urban Pans in Mokpo during the Japanese Colonialist Rule : A study on the Mokpo city street improvement and the Mokpo urban plan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Mokpo city government(木浦府) was confronted with the urban problems caused by the urban growth, similarly with other cities in Colonial Korea under Japanese rule. While Mokpo city government submitted the Mokpo city street improvement(市區改 正) and the sanitary sewer infrastructure development, the Japanese Government General also decided the Mokpo urban plan to solve the urban problem. Despite of the historical importance of these plans, the plans made by Mokpo city government and the Mokpo urban plan by Japanese Government General have received limited scholarly attention. Therefore, the object of this study is to investigate the plans for Mokpo in Colonial Korea with the historical planning perspective. This study presents the decision making process of these plans for Mokpo and investigates the contents and the characteristics of them. According to the planning agents, contexts and characteristics of the plans was completely different. Mokpo city government designed the city street improvement for the outskirts of the town in 1928 and made the sewer plan for the whole city. Because of the lack of the finance, the city street improvement was not implemented. And the sewer plan was only executed to the area of the town. Meanwhile, the Japanese Government General decided the Mokpo urban plan that was the first legal urban plan in 1937. It was different from the Mokpo’s plan including the construction of Mokpo port, the diversion of the railroad, etc. in the national land plan. The planning area was set up the range that exceeded the administrative district. Interestingly it tended to parade the orderly appearance and the richness to the outside. As the study was restricted to the urban plans for Mokpo city at the stages of decision making process in the Japanese colonial era, it has limitations to explain influence after implementing them. Nonetheless this study has a meaningful importance that demonstrates the substance of the urban planning during the Japanese Colonial Rule for Mokpo city.


 1. 서론
  1.1. 연구의 배경과 목적
  1.2. 연구의 범위와 방법
  1.3. 선행연구
 2. 개항도시 목포의 성장
  2.1. 목포부의 설치와 도시의 성장
  2.2. 도시문제의 대두와 기반시설의 확충
 3. 시구개정과 시가지계획
  3.1 목포부의 시구개정(1929년)
  3.2. 목포시가지계획(1937년)
  3.3. 소결
 4. 결론


  • 윤희철 Yun, Hee-Cheol. 전남대학교 대학원 지역개발학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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