

IEEE 802.15.6 WBAN Beaconing for Wireless USB Protocol Adaptation



In this paper, an IEEE 802.15.6 wireless body area networks (WBAN) medium access control protocol is developed to support a wireless USB (WUSB) application as a protocol adaptation layer (PAL). Even though we can avoid colliding packets using CSMA/CA, hazard of beacon collisions still remains in the WUSB over WBAN networks. Further, in order to solve beacon conflict problem, we introduce a multi-channel beaconing (MCB) for avoidance of beacon collision. The proposed MCB can minimize the possibility of beacon collision by efficiently managing the multiple available channels in a hybrid manner combining proactive and reactive method.


 1. Introduction
 2. Characteristic of WUSB Protocol
 3. WUSB over WBAN Protocol
 4. Multi-Channel Beaconing for WUSB over WBAN Architecture
  4.1. Idle Listening for Beacon Collision Detection
  4.2. Adaptive Channel Switching for Fast Recovery
 5. Performance Evaluation
 6. Conclusion


  • Kyeong Hur Dept. of Computer Education, Gyeongin National University of Education
  • Won-Sung Sohn Dept. of Computer Education, Gyeongin National University of Education
  • Jae-Kyung Kim Dept. of Computer Education, Gyeongin National University of Education
  • YangSun Lee Dept. of Computer Engineering, Seokyeong University Seoul


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