

Smart Museum Based on Regional Unified App



In a society undergoing rapid changes, future museums will contribute to human culture by means of smart-museum technology that promotes active interaction with the public. Several museums in New York have already begun distributing free mobile applications for this purpose. Likewise, the National Palace Museum of Korea has developed an application to provide visitors with helpful information related to its exhibitions. Apps developed so far, however, are concentrated in exhibition information, experimental programs, or the collection information of an individual museum. If the Jongno museum unified app, which could be universally used in Jongno district where museums are concentrated develops and contains information about different museums, it would reduce the cost and provide useful information to visitors. Based on location information and the regional route, this app would be comprised of information concerning admission, opening hours, exhibitions, collections, trial and educational programs. Information about the routes connecting museums would also be provided. The Jongno museum unified app would contribute to the possibility of a new form of smart museums where local museums are linked together.


 1. Introduction
 2. Smart App in Museum
 3. Status of Museum at Jongno
  3.1. National Museums
  3.2. Public Museums
  3.3. Private Museums
  3.4. Current Issues of Museum at Jongno
 4. Jongno Museum Unified App
  4.1. Sample of Established Jongno Museum Unified App
  4.2. Function of Unified App and Module Information
 5. Conclusion


  • Eun Sok Bae Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
  • Dong Uk Im Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
  • Sung Young Lee Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


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