

An Improvement Technique for Simulated Annealing and Its Appli-cation to Nurse Scheduling Problem



The simulated annealing was perceived as a useful method for many intractable problems. However, it needs additional strategies to cope with time complexity due to an initial state and search space reduction. In this work, we suggested an efficient transition rule and ap-plied it to a nurse scheduling problem. It uses a cost matrix to reduce a set of candidates, which results in performance improvement. The experimental results showed that the sug-gested method generated a feasible solution for the nurse scheduling problem faster in time and better in quality compared to traditional simulated annealing.


 1. Introduction
 2. Problem Description
  2.1. Nurse Scheduling Problem
  2.2. Cost Function
 3. Algorithmic Flow of CMSA
  3.1. Simulated Annealing
  3.2. Cost Matrix and Transition Rule for CMSA
  3.3. Cost Matrix and Transition Rule Temperature Scheduling for CMSA
 4. Experiments and Results
 5. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Young-Woong Ko Dept. of Computer Engineering Hallym University
  • DongHoi Kim Dept. of Computer Engineering Hallym University
  • Minyeong Jeong Dept. of Computer Engineering Hallym University
  • Wooram Jeon Dept. of Computer Engineering Hallym University
  • Saangyong Uhmn Dept. of Computer Engineering Hallym University
  • Jin Kim Dept. of Computer Engineering Hallym University


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