

Extracting Key Technology Using Advanced Fuzzy Clustering



Most companies that have developed their own technology have registered and patented the results. As a result, patent and technology management (PTM) has become important to companies needing to improve their market competitiveness. Using the PTM process, a company can develop a new product that is competitive in their market. First, we need to know the key technology (KT) a company uses to develop new technology. In this paper, we propose a method of extracting the KT for new product development and effective PTM. The proposed method uses advanced fuzzy clustering, which groups patents into clusters according to their technological difference. To verify the performance of our method, we perform a case study using all patents applied for by the company Adobe Systems Incorporated.


 1. Introduction
 2. Patent and Technology Management
 3. Advanced Fuzzy Clustering to Find Key Technology
 4. Experiment and Results
 5. Conclusion


  • Sunghae Jun Department of Statistics, Cheongju University
  • Seung-Joo Lee Department of Statistics, Cheongju University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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