

아이러니의 중층성: 블레이크의 『순수의 경험의 노래』에 관한 연구


Multi -dimensional Meaning of Irony in William Blake's Songs of Innocence & of Experience


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this essay is to investigate the multi-dimensional meaning of irony in William Blake's Songs of Innocence & of Experience The primary background of this kind of reading is the poet's own announcement of the purpose or intention of the Songs, that is, "Shewing the Contrary States of Human Mind." To 'show' something, we should keep a distance from it. Blake stands somewhere detached from the states of Innocence and Experience, satirizing both states by means of irony. The typical examples are the contrary songs of the same title: "The Chimney Sweeper," "Holy Thursday." In these lyrics the speakers are criticizing each other, revealing their own limits at the same time. Some other contrary songs of the different title are also ironical, intending to point out the faults of each other but displaying their own simple-mindedness. But the contrary structure of the Songs is not so symmetrical. Some songs represent Blake's own voice or vision, transcending the both states. This is, we can say, a deliberate strategy of the prophet-poet, who does his best to escape from the Newtonian vision.




  • 이종민 Lee, Chongmin. 전북대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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