

Visualizing and Analyzing the Structure of AspectJ Software under the Eclipse Platform



Software is naturally intangible and abstract which makes the understanding task difficult. There is a growing need for visualizations that improve the comprehensiveness of its structure, behavior and evolution. Graphically visualizing abstract concepts provides a way to raise the abstraction level and therefore, to reduce the software complexity. The graphical visualization has an important contribution by presenting the software under an abstract synthetic view that gives a quick idea of its content, logic, structure and its entities' relationships. It is widely accepted that it can represent a valuable support during the development and maintenance processes. As AspectJ is a relatively new language with powerful specific constructs, it deserves support tools to visualize its software systems. This paper presents our recent work in software visualization with respect to analyze and visualize the AspectJ software structures using graphical elements well-known from daily life such as the Polymetric View and the City Metaphor to conduct various powerful analyses and permit an intuitive understanding of a given visualization and therefore, to get quickly an overview of a huge and complex software. VizzAspectJ-2D and VizzAspectJ-3D are two tools support we have built on top of the Eclipse platform respectively for the 2D and 3D visualizations.


 1. Introduction
  1.1. Motivation and Objectives
  1.2. Contributions
  1.3. Overview of Paper Contents
 2. Background
  2.1. Software Visualization
  2.2. Related Works
  2.3. AspectJ, an Aspect-Oriented Programming Language
 3. Proposed Approach to Visualize AspectJ Software
  3.1. Software Metrics
  3.2. Visual Metaphors: Polymetric View and City Metaphor
  3.3. Important Parameters for an Effective Visualization
  3.4. Metrics Expressed in Visualization: Metrics Explanation
 4. Current Work: Architecture, Design and Implementation
  4.1. Architecture
  4.2. Design and Implementation
 5. Assessment and Validating
  5.1. Case Study 1 -- 2D Visualization Tool
  5.2. Case Study 2 -- 3D Visualization Tool
 6. Discussion
  6.1. Interaction & Navigation
  6.2. Future Work and Possible Extensions
 7. Conclusion


  • Sassi Bentrad Computer Science Department, LRI Laboratory Badji Mokhtar-Annaba University
  • Djamel Meslati Computer Science Department, LRI Laboratory Badji Mokhtar-Annaba University


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