

The Archiving Method for Records of Public Sector’s Facebook Page



All government departments in South Korea used the Facebook page to inform their own policies and to collect the opinion of the people. The record from the perspective of each government department writings posted on a Facebook page, containing the opinions of people comment on posts, etc. have significant value. However, there is no research yet records of Facebook for fully long-term preservation. In this paper, we proposed long-term preservation method for Facebook page’s records of government departments. In addition, we proposed the long-term record preservation format, document preservation format, long-term record preservation metadata and document preservation metadata for SNS includes Facebook, Twitter, and etc.


 1. Introduction
 2. What and How to Archive
  2.1. Facebook Page Data
  2.2. What and How to Archive
 3. Facebook Page Records Archiving Framework
  3.1. Long-term Preservation Format
  3.2. Long-term Preservation Metadata
 4. Conclusion


  • Yun-Young Hwang Korean Institute of Science and Technology Information
  • In-Ho Jang Dept. Computer Engineering, Chungnam National University, Korea
  • Kyu-Chul Lee Dept. Computer Engineering, Chungnam National University, Korea


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