

An Analysis for the Mediating Effect of Organizational Justice on the Performance in the Virtual Organization



Recently, new work practices such as virtual work system, have been introduced in various fields. These contracts for new work practices have changed from the existing face-to-face management practices to the autonomous work systems. Existing work contracts are based on the Weber’s theory (1947), in which the bureaucratic and impersonal structure is the most effective means to achieve organization’s goals. However, such contracts have been challenged from various fields and there are lacks of new researches on the practices until now. So, we examined the effects of new contracts through the performance of virtual teams. To do so, in this study, the effects of distributional justice, procedural justice and interactive justice on organizational commitment and innovative work behavior are analyzed on the virtual organizations. The results are as followed. First, organizational justice has significant effect on organizational commitment and innovation work behavior. Secondly, the result between organizational commitment and innovation work behavior has significant effect on. Thirdly, we examined the mediating effects of organizational commitment in relationship between organizational justice and innovative work behavior on the virtual organizations. Finally, the results of this study emphasize on the effect of the distributional, procedural and interactive justice through the mediating effect of organizational commitment justice on the virtual organization’s performance. Future study will be discussed.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Reviews
  2.1. Virtual Work
  2.2. Organizational Justice
 3. Research Hypothesis and Model
  3.1. Research Hypothesis
  3.2. Research Model
 4. Research Results
  4.1. Sample Characteristics and Correlation Analysis
  4.2. Reliability and Validity
 5. Results
  5.1. Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Commitment
  5.2. Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Commitment
  5.3. Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Innovative Work Behavior including Mediating Effect
 6. Results and Implications


  • Yongwon Kim Communications Policy Research Center
  • Bong Gyou Lee The Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University


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