

Next-Generation Library information service - 'Smart Library'



For a library to be able provide information services and fulfill its function as a knowledge convergence center capable of responding to various information demands, the development of next-generation information systems based on the latest information and communication technology is needed. The development of mobile information services using portable devices such smart phones and tablet PCs and information systems which incorporate the concepts of cloud computing, SaaS (Software as a Service), annotation and Library2.0 is also required. This paper describes a library information system that utilizes collective intelligence and cloud computing. The information system developed for this study adopts the SaaS-based cloud computing service concept to cope with the shift in the mobile service paradigm in libraries and the explosion of electronic data. The strengths of such a conceptual model include the sharing of resources, support of multi-tenants, and the configuration and support of metadata. The user services are provided in the form of software on-demand. To test the performance of the developed system, the efficiency analysis and TTA certification test were conducted. The results of performance tests, It is encouraging that, at least up to 100MB, the job time is approximately linear and with only a moderate overhead of less than one second. The system also passed the level-3 or higher criteria in the certification test, which includes the SaaS maturity, performance and application program functions.


 1. Introduction
 2. Next-Generation Library Information Service Utilizing Collective Intelligence and Cloud Computing
  2.1. Trend of Library Information Service Advancement
  2.2. Web 2.0 Based Library Information Service
  2.3. Next-Generation Library information service - 'Smart Library'
  2.4. Smart Library Information Service System
 3. Development of the Smart Library Information Service System
  3.1. LinkSaaS Application Platform
  3.2. Development Scope
  3.2. Development Environment
  3.3. Consideration
 4. Analysis of the Performance of the Proposed System
  4.1. Efficiency Analysis
  4.2. TTA Certification Test
 5. Concluding Remarks


  • Byung-Won Min Department of Information Communication Engineering, Mokwon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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