This paper is aimed to review the necessity of constraints on the conjoined sentence of '-ko' in Korean and to analyse a variety of interpretations among conjunts. To achieve this purpose, the optimal principle of relevance is proposed. Grice(1975) argues that the temporal, additional, and causative interpretations of coordinate constructions in English must be analysed as implications conveyed by conformity to the maxim 'Be orderly'. Carsten (1988) claims that these pragmatic effects of coordination are the outcome of an interaction between pragmatic principles and general properties of the mind rather than the meaning of 'and'. However, the order of events in which conjuncts are stated may have significant pragmatic effects. Thus, a '-ko' conjunction needs to be interpreted through relevance. In this study, the interpretation in schema will be proved in analysing interpretations among '-고서, 고 나서, 아서, -니까, -고도'.
2. '- 고' 접속문 제약
3. '-고' 접속문의 해석
3.1. 적합성의 이해
3.2. '-고' 접속문 해석
4. 결 론