

Sinusoidal Coding and Spectral Band Replication for Low Bit-Rate Super-Wideband Speech and Audio Coding



In this paper, we present a new sinusoidal coding and spectral band replication (SBR) method for a low bit-rate super-wideband speech and audio coding. The sinusoidal coding algorithm utilizes the local rms energy of partial frequency bands in modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) domain to select peak MDCTs. The SBR is based on the pseudo-spectral correlation between lower band and higher band. The proposed techniques are shown experimentally to give improved performance compared to ITU-T G.718 Annex B from the objective and subjective evaluation.


 1. Introduction
 2. G.718 Super-Wideband Extension
 3. Low bit-rate sinusoidal coding
 4. Correlation-based Spectral Band Replication
 5. Performance Evaluation
 6. Conclusion


  • Kosangrok Oh Dept. of Electronic and IT Media Engineering Seoul National University of Science and Technology
  • Dong Hoon Sung Dept. of Electronic and IT Media Engineering Seoul National University of Science and Technology
  • Seung Ho Choi Dept. of Electronic and IT Media Engineering Seoul National University of Science and Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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