

Research on a New Three-dimension Reconstruction and Visualization Technology of Concrete Based on CT Images



In recent years, the research of concrete based on CT Images has been popular. A new modified Ray-casting on VTK aims to solve the poor effect on 3-D reconstruction of concrete CT image, which has great influence on the construction of accurate 3-D meso-concrete numerical model. Owing to this result, A new tech-VTK system came into being to get improvement and development. What is more, it can achieve visualization. It is tested that the method in this dissertation is more effective and accurate meanwhile it will help to build the construction of concrete material numerical model.


 1. Introduction
 2. Concrete CT image
 3. Modified Ray-casting Algorithm
  3.1. Data preprocessing optimization
  3.2. Ray-casting voxel and re-sampling optimization
  3.3. Optimization image synthesis
 4. 3D reconstruction and visualization of concrete
  4.1. VTK visualization tool
  4.2. The results of 3D reconstruction concrete
  4.3. Visual system of concrete CT image
 5. Conclusions


  • Zhao Liang Dept of Info and Automation, Xi’an Univ. of Arch.&Tech
  • Lu Jun School of Automation and Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology
  • Xu Sheng-Jun Dept of Info and Automation, Xi’an Univ. of Arch.&Tech
  • Dang Fa-ning Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Xi' an University of Technology
  • Wang Li-li Dept of Info and Automation, Xi’an Univ. of Arch.&Tech


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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