

Consideration of Interference Analysis for Wireless Systems in VHF/UHF Bands with Geographic Information



With the help of Rec. ITU-R P.1546 and geography information system, the interference analysis for the fixed wireless system and radar is presented based upon the frequency-distance rules with minimum coupling loss. To obtain the computational results, real geography information on the map was taken for the given area of 80x60[km]2, and field strength and path profile were illustrated for radar and fixed wireless system operating at 2.7 GHz, for convenience. In addition the interference effect of receiver has been also examined as function of radar beam direction including protection ratio and frequency dependent rejection. The developed interference analysis can be actually applied to assess interoperability for wireless systems in the VHF and UHF bands.


 1. Introduction
 2. Formulation of Received Signal and Protection Ratio
 3. Computational Results and Discussions
 4. Conclusions


  • Kyoung-Whoan Suh Electronics Engineering, Kangnam University
  • Jeong-Seok Jang Dept. of Information Electronics, Dongyang Mirae University
  • Chang-Won Lee Joint Modeling and Simulation Directorate, ADD
  • Im-Seob Shin Joint Modeling and Simulation Directorate, ADD
  • Yong-Chan Jeon Joint Modeling and Simulation Directorate, ADD


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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