Small clauses are exocentric constructions. That is to say, constituents whose categorical status is different from that of any of their immediate constituents. Within the framework I develop here, it follows that small clauses are not a word-level category but predictions of some head word-level category. But projections of what head category? It is the key point of an argument whether small clause contructions can form a concrete definition or not. On the basis of these problematic questions, I argue on Stowell's analysis (1981.1983) insisting that small clauses must be projections of the head category of the constituent, functioning as the predicate of the small clause. In addition to this, I analyze that he adduces an argument from subcategorization facts in support of this assumption. On the other hand, I argue on a rather different analysis of small clauses put forward by Chomsky in Barrier (1986b), under which small clauses are analyzed as base-generated adjunction structures that both the predicate and the overall small clause have the same categorical status of XP(=X"). I also argue on not only Radford's analysis (1988) suggesting the ways of distinguishng between small clauses and the predicate phrases they contain, but also Hornstein and Lightfoot (1987) insisting the small clauses are headed by an empty I constituent. In relation to small clause constructions, we can not form a concrete and overt definition. Needless to say, much research remains to be done concerning the internal structure of small clauses as they fit into the X-Bar framework. In relation to syntactic environment of small clauses, I argue on the basis of predications from current assumptions about Case and Government. Since a small clause lacks an internal case assigner for its subject, that subject may be overt only when it is governed by some external case assigning head. In semantic analysis of small clauses, I inquire into the matters centering around the semantic propositional character and its function because small clauses show its independant propositional definition in semantic constructions better than other sections. Finally, this paper aims at suggesting that small clause constructions exhibit a pattern of sysntactic behavior and that according to the clausal theory of predication, the subject and predicate of a small clause form a structural constituent even though an overt syntactic definition of the internal structure remains in research for the future.
2. 소절의 범주
3. 소절의 통사적 환경
4. 소절의 의미 분석
5. 결론