

Vibration Rapid Analysis and Comparison of Motor Support in Container Crane’s Machine Room with Single Degree of Freedom and Finite Element Method Based on Visual Basic



The excessive vibration of motor support in container crane’s machine room affects lifespan of the structure and driving comfort of the operators. According to the result of the vibration site test, the main causes of the machine room vibration in container crane were found out. In order to reduce the vibration response, based on simplifying the system as a single degree of freedom vibration system model and finite element method, two kinds of rapid vibration analysis software were compiled respectively by using Visual Basic (VB), which can parameterize the motor and its support. Meanwhile, their advantages and disadvantages were compared. By analyzing the effects of different motor support structure layouts on its natural frequency and maximum vibration velocity response, it is concluded that increasing and improving the motor support’s cross-sectional moment of inertia and lateral stiffness can reduce the system vibration response. The rapid analysis software’s computing results are almost the same as ANSYS computing results. Furthermore, motor support structure of the container crane machine room was optimized through the original software. The accordance of vibration test data and analysis results prove the credibility and the reliability of the rapid analysis software and methods.


 1. Introduction
 2. Vibration Experiment Analysis for Container Crane Machine Room
  2.1 Vibration test 
  2.2 Causes analysis
 3. Rapid Analysis with SDOF Method
  3.1 Natural frequency calculation
  3.2 Maximum vibration velocity response
 4. Rapid Analysis with FEM
  4.1 Element meshing
  4.2 System equation of motion
  4.3 Natural frequency and dynamic response
 5. Comparison of the Two Rapid Analysis Methods
  5.1 Comparison of rapid analysis software
  5.2 Comparison of calculation results
 6. Summary 


  • Lu Kai-liang Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University
  • Ye Hao Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University
  • Qiu Hui-qing College of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University
  • Zhang Wei-guo Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University
  • Hao Zhi-yong Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University
  • Liu Yuan Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University


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