

A New Heuristic Approach for Scheduling Independent Tasks on Grid Computing Systems



Grid computing is a promising technology for future computing platforms and is expected to provide easier access to remote computational resources that are usually locally limited. Scheduling is one of the active research topics in grid environments. The goal of grid task scheduling is to achieve high system throughput and to allocate various computing resources to applications. The Complexity of scheduling problem increases with the size of the grid and becomes highly difficult to solve effectively. Many different methods have been proposed to solve this problem. Some of these methods are based on heuristic techniques that provide an optimal or near optimal solution for large grids. In this paper, a new heuristic algorithm for scheduling meta-tasks in grid computing system is presented which tries to consider the execution time and machine state simultaneously by a mapping function. According to the experimental results, the proposed algorithm confidently demonstrates its competitiveness with previously proposed algorithms.


 1. Introduction
 2. Problem Definition
 3. Related Works
  3.1. Opportunistic Load Balancing (OLB)
  3.2. Minimum Execution Time (MET)
  3.3. Minimum Completion Time (MCT)
  3.4. Min-min
  3.5. Max-min
  3.6. SA Based Methods
  3.7. GA Based Method
  3.8. GSA method
 4. Proposed Approach
 5. Experimental Results
  5.1. Benchmark Description
  5.2. Makespan
  5.3. Execution Times
 6. Conclusion


  • Sadegh Nejatzadeh Shahid Beheshti University
  • Mahmood Karamipour K. N. Toosi University of technology
  • Mohammad Eskandari Shahid Beheshti University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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