In global open economy, the study of currency exchange rates prediction with acceptable accuracy under floating exchange rates environment becomes an important issue. Exchange rates can affect a large number of economic decision-makings and participants’ behaviors. Due to the rapid dynamic data changes and increasing large amount of data, accurate and effective currency exchange rates prediction is a rather challenging task. In this paper, we proposed a novel cloud computing approach to do linear regression prediction for dynamic currency exchange rates. We adopt an Intelligent Exchange Rates Prediction System (IERPS) based on cloud computing to collect real-time exchange rates information and predict the future exchange rates in efficient computing time. The system can process large amounts of historical and dynamic data more efficiently and accurately. The experimental results showed that the average error ratios of using linear regression are 94.6%, which is a very good performance.
1. Introduction
2. System Architecture
2.1 Intelligent Exchange Rates Prediction System
2.2 Cloud Server Platform
3. Experiments
4. Conclusions