International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol.6 No.2
피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
To meet the demands of the large-scale network simulation platform technology, we have improved the classical Min-min algorithm widely used in Grid application. We proposed a novel multi-task network simulation scheduling algorithm based on multi-valued mapping and the new algorithm is called MUNS-Min-min, we also discussed how to determine the weight of simulation time and the resource consumption. Experimental results show that our algorithm is suitable for complex computing environment, and the performance of the simulation platform has improved nearly 20%, compared with traditional scheduling algorithms.
1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Parallel Network Simulation Scheduling Algorithm Oriented TowardsMultitask
3.1 The algorithm idea
4. Weighting method for the simulation time and resource consumption
4.1 The Description of Computational Resource
4.2 Weighting method for the simulation time and resource consumption based onbenchmark
4.3 Triggering algorithm of mapping
5. The experimental design and result analysis
5.1 Experimental environment
5.2. Experiment results
6. Conclusion
1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Parallel Network Simulation Scheduling Algorithm Oriented TowardsMultitask
3.1 The algorithm idea
4. Weighting method for the simulation time and resource consumption
4.1 The Description of Computational Resource
4.2 Weighting method for the simulation time and resource consumption based onbenchmark
4.3 Triggering algorithm of mapping
5. The experimental design and result analysis
5.1 Experimental environment
5.2. Experiment results
6. Conclusion