

송시를 통해서 살펴본 키이츠의 진리탐색과정: 상상의 세계에서 현실로의 회귀


The Process of Finding the Truth about a Life at Keats' Odes


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Many critics consider Keats' odes to be among his greatest works of poetry. Each ode is a disvowal of a previous solution; but none could achieve its own momentary stability without the support of the antecedently constructed style. As other romantic poets do, Keats regards the imagination as the most important factor in creating poetry. After experiencing the aesthetic world by dint of imagination, Keats affirms and receives the real world. In "Ode to Psyche", Keats maintains that the poem is made by imagination. In "Ode to a Nightingale" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn", he maintains that the world of art and imagination is much more beautiful and eternal than sensual world. He concludes that Beauty is truth, truth is Beauty. However, In "Ode on a Melancholy", Keats receives the transition of nature and the mortality of man. At last, In "To Autumn", Keats acknowledges the order of nature and the harmony of life and death, so there is a dialectic unity. Throughout the odes, He forms the vale of soul-making by making use of the arduous real life. Futhermore, he accepts the transcendence of nature and the mortality of man as a truth of life.




  • 전연경 Chon, Yeon Kyung


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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