

용서의 정치학: 블레이크의 『제루살렘』에 관한 연구


Politics of Forgiveness: A Study of William Blake's Jerusalem


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



William Blake has usually been called a revolutionary poet, who made a desperate effort to give his own new total vision of the psychological, political, economic, religious, and philosophical problems of his age. And his visionary works are yrophectic, suggesting a total diagnosis and prescription for the apocalyptic crisis based on his own beliefs and yearnings. It is natural to assume that his works should be political and ethical. And his last prophectic epic Jerusalem is no exception. 'The aim of this study is to examine the multi-dimensional meanings of forgiveness illustrated in William Blake's last 'sublime allegory' Jerusalem. In this "encyclopaedic work," Blake places a special emphasis on the 'gospel' of forgiveness as the basis of the sound relationships between father and son, man and woman, etc. For the integrated community, Blake believes, its members should be respected as an individual 'identity,' which should be distinguished from the 'state' an individual may fall into. This 'state' may be called a stage which could and should be overcome, not condemned. In the Blakean christianity the 'doctrine of state' is the very foundation for continual forgiveness The reading of Blake in this study is an attempt to create a synthetic perspective, which, however, could be achieved through exploring the aesthectic meaning of forgiveness with regards to his theory of imagination. 'Thus, this 'eclectic' reading of his last epic may be called the first step to grasp Blake's total vision of human liberation




  • 이종민 Lee, Chongmin. 전북대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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