

A Reputation Replica Propagation Strategy for Mobile Users in Mobile Distributed Database System



In this paper, it is to focus on two areas, primarily data inconsistency problems faced by the mobile database users when they are trying to accessing or updating the database data while mobility in work, in such environment demand for appropriate strategies arises, to overcome this problem. When users come in contact with other network node, updated data is not reflected or propagated at the other sites or nodes, which is previously updated or changed at previous visited site or at activity center. Secondly, require advance replication architecture and effective network protocol based algorithms follows effective replication strategy that securely supports databases changes activities anytime and anywhere in mobile computing network environment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Terms and Concepts
  2.1. Replica
  2.2. Consistency
 3. Literature Survey
 3. System Analysis
  3.1. Objectives
  3.2. Existing System
 4. Highlights
 5. Replication Strategies
 6. Proposed Architecture
 7. Replication Structure
 8. Nearest-Neighbors Propagation Distribution Protocol
  8.1. Case 1
  8.2. Case 2
 9. Conclusion


  • Sashi Tarun Assistant Professor, Arni School of Computer Science and Application ARNI University


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